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This is a store front inside Union Station. The station is an iconic shopping center in the District and a place where socializing is the norm. It all started decades ago while it was still a young building.

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This is an exciting newspaper article that announces the opening of Union Station in 1907. It talks about some obstacles that occurred before it opened, but ends in a grand dedication to the station of the capitol.

This is footage of Union Station that shows an everyday view of the inside of the terminal in 1939. The video isn't very exciting, and it could be seemingly unimportant. However, this footage shows us just what kind of day the station normally saw.

We don't know much about this image, but there are a few things that stand out and why I think it's important to the project. It shows what looks like a normal day in DC, which gives a bit of insight into how Union Station was used by the locals…

An image taken during the construction of Union Station in Washington D.C. This image shows not only the immense project that was set before the District, but the amazing infrastructure that went into the building of this station.
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